We are not a crisis or counseling service.
If you are in crisis or helping someone who is, please
check out these support hotlines.
PFLAG Los Angeles Helpline:
888.PFLAG 88 (888.735.2488)
PFLAG San Gabriel Valley Asian Pacific Islander
A PFLAG chapter designed to serve the Asian Pacific Islander community. They focus on inter-generational and inter-faith dialog.
Lifeworks LA
A youth program that is part of the LA LGBT Center that offers mentoring for LGBTQ+ youth ages 12-24.
Los Angeles Resources
LA LGBT Center
Offers a wide range of services like sexual health, medical, legal, mental health, housing, and more. Includes special services for youth, transgender people, and seniors.
Transforming Family
A family support group creating a positive environment for children, adolescents, and their families to explore issues of gender identity. Their programs are designed to support each family member with peer support, training and education, and family events.
The Center for Transyouth Health and Development
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is dedicated to providing affirming care for transgender and gender diverse children, adolescents, young adults, and their families.
Lists several national LGBTQ+ resources in the US under various categories, including LGBTQ+ camps (for youth, adults, and families), legal organizations, and more.
PFLAG National has wonderful publications in English and Spanish. They’re for families, grandparents, military families, and more.
You can download them for free below as a PDF document that can be viewed and opened on your computer or phone.
Have you wondered what a term means? PFLAG National has a whole glossary of LGBTQ+ and related terms. It’s a great start from a trusted resource.
Know that people will have their own definitions. The resource is meant to be used to understand some foundational concepts and terms, though intersectionality will influence someone’s personal definition. You could ask someone, “What does [term/identity] mean to you?” if you’d like their own answer. However, remember that they have the right to say no to your question.
LGBTQ+ Glossary
Get Involved
Are you interested in any of the following?
Advocacy Tools
Protecting LGBTQ+ Kids and Families
LGBTQ+ Equality
Intersectional Justice
Securing LGBTQ+ Health
Then check out PFLAG National’s Join the Fight page below!