2025 General Donations
Live Progress Bar
Here’s how well we’re doing for our fundraising goal this year for our much-needed services.
Can you help us close the gap?
You can donate or become a member of our chapter below.
Your gift to PFLAG Los Angeles…
The generous contributions of our members and donors support our website, helplines, Speakers Bureau, monthly meetings, guest speakers, special events, and outreach to various communities. We receive no money from PFLAG National. Every penny of your donation is vital and goes directly to our work!
Please make a special gift, renew your membership, or join us for the first time today.
PFLAG Los Angeles is a chapter of the largest national organization devoted to creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. Your membership provides continuing support through meetings, guest speakers, special events, information, acceptance, programs, friendship, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ persons, their families, and friends.
PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Donor-advised funds (DAF), ACH, and checks. If you select check, you’ll be given further instructions for completing payment.
Yes, we offer these options for both donations and membership dues. You can also send an email acknowledgment when selecting that option.
Absolutely, you will see that as an option to select during the payment selection.
We appreciate you considering us! You can reach out to with more information and how we might be able to help.